Friday, December 20, 2002

I thought this was a beautiful googlism

Googlism for: trent lott

(yes, this is really what came up)

trent lott is satan
trent lott is a wimp
trent lott is the grand arbiter of the abyss
trent lott is a delusional moron
trent lott is a racist
trent lott is one of the country's most powerful elected figures
trent lott is a wimp and should be replaced
trent lott is a no
trent lott is a little weak on his baseball
trent lott is taking money
trent lott is a much less powerful man than he was
trent lott is running the us senate these days
trent lott is two faced
trent lott is feeling the heat
trent lott is trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
trent lott is a moderate conservative
trent lott is the senate�s 16 th majority leader
trent lott is a smooth political operator
trent lott is fourth in line to the presidency and is nominally the leader of the united states senate
trent lott is nothing but a crybaby politician who talks out of his ass instead of his mouth
trent lott is representative of the dominant political forces in mississippi
trent lott is the undisputed king of america�s ass
trent lott is currently siding with the land grabbers
trent lott is having a worse month than enron
trent lott is apathy in synthesis
trent lott is also the senate majority leader
trent lott is one of ole miss' more popular grads right now
trent lott is a mississippi republican
trent lott is notorious for acts of illegal fundraing
trent lott is becoming unhinged
trent lott is immersed from his wingtips to his forehead in the culture of the south
trent lott is clearly waffling on his commitment to the property rights cause
trent lott is a throwback
trent lott is gay
trent lott is there
trent lott is free to practice his prejudices in the living room of his home
trent lott is tied down and tortured by a dominatrix
trent lott is quite perplexed
trent lott is himself the world's first openly gay closeted homosexual
trent lott is putting the screws to us and we need something that will get results
trent lott is now in deep distress
trent lott is in this country
trent lott is the national poster boy for sniveling accommodation
trent lott is just the tip of the iceberg
trent lott is beatable
trent lott is history

Friday, December 13, 2002

Monday, December 09, 2002

Every year, I tell myself that I'm not gonna get tripped out by all the completely insane Christmas shoppers, and I'm not gonna go out the day after Thanksgiving and shop... and it seems that for the past few years, the day after Thanksgiving, I have ended up in stores... surrounded by completely insane Christmas shoppers. Luckily this year, though, I got a chance to get a little bit of Christmas shopping done, like, right after Halloween... Why am I even talking about this? Well, I was out in the middle of Christmas shopping madness again this morning... and, well, they weren't as insane as right after Thanksgiving, but nonetheless... some people in full on Christmas shopping madness mode... and oh my GOD, the music that was playing in one of the stores I was in... quasi-hip-hop remakes of legitimate Christmas songs... I was thoroughly disgusted... I mean, if I'm gonna be forced to listen to Christmas songs, howsabout AT LEAST traditional versions? Britney Spears singing an incredibly shitty remake of "Silent Night" is not what I call a Christmas song (although, if you wanna stuff her in my stocking, that'd be cool).