Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Okay, from the world of the twisted... was watching a friend play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, earlier. At one point, he needs to get a car, so he decides to carjack a Bronco-type with two occupants... He pulls the driver out and jumps in. Usually, the passenger freaks and jumps out as you jump in. In this case, however, he sped off and the passenger remained... and sat there for the next few minutes screaming their lungs out in sheer terror as he drove around town. It was actually pretty amusing for quite a while... The new motorcycles are awesome... fun to try on some of the jumps, and there's two dirt bike tracks... not to mention that you can now rob jewelry stores, pay for protection, act as protection, buy property, fly helicoptors, planes, drive boats, run remote control car and helicoptor missions... crazy stuff, but the wailing unintentional hostage in the car has been the best thing, yet...

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