Sunday, October 27, 2002

A really silly Friday Five. My answers are included...

1. What is your favorite scary movie?

That's easy... Hellraiser

2. What is your favorite Halloween treat?

"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" - it is a treat...

3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume.

When I was younger, sure... My fave? When I went to a girlfriend's church Halloween function in high school dressed as a pimp... even better that I got her and one of her friends to dress as hoes...

4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?

No... Paying someone money to try to spook me or something is... a waste of good money...

5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year?

hmm... what's in it for me?

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