Friday, October 25, 2002

Okay... I just went and checked out this website... Rather interesting, but is it even remotely believeable? Well, fuck no, it's not... The first thing that popped to my attention is the negatives. They look to be singed/burnt/melted somewhat... There's something just very "not right" looking about them... once film has been heated (or even exposed to good ol' air), it becomes extremely brittle (numerous experiments with the flammability properties of different materials as a kid help me reach this conclusion - and as far as oxidation, go grab some relatively old negatives and see how far you can bend them before they just snap in two - well, okay... don't do that)... Some of it looks as if it was unrolled from the catch reel (possibly even developed first) and then heated... hmmm...

I don't think the "author" ever mentions his/her nationality, but I think it might be a bit obvious (to an American, anyway) early on that they are most likely NOT American, so if in the future they try to say they are, that would only go to add heaps to the sketchiness factor...

...not to mention the ultra-drama from the site "author..." - from sniffing the "explosive-like soot" to hacking to phone taps to black vans and all that good stuff... riveting, eh?

They go on and on about how what's in the images shows that something "big is about to take place," yet they also say that they are waiting to show them until said date to "help build momentum..." hmmm so, everybody needs to know about it but let's wait to show it...
Guess I'll just have to wait with the rest of us until March 8, 2003. It's probably gonna be something incredibly retarded, like a new cologne from Abercombie and Fitch or something, though... :)

[NOTE: haven't been able to run ANYTHING else down about it on the net... yet... will keep an eye out, though]

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