Thursday, October 24, 2002

" a duck in a noose..."

Okay, I have been pretty silent about this issue because, well, it was just so whacked out... but for the first time since all the weirdness started a few weeks ago with this "serial sniper" person, we have a name - John Allen Williams, aka John Allen Muhammed... The chief was careful to warn the press "not to assume that Williams has anything to do with the shootings," but c'mon... let's be a little real, can we? The head of the sniper task force says he wants to talk to this guy, so... hmm... there's a federal arrest warrant for him on firearms charges... maybe he just sold the shooter the gun? Also worthy of note is the ol' "armed and dangerous" tag...

"We have caught the sniper like a duck in a noose..." - the words the sniper asked the chief of police say at the latest press conference (about fifteen minutes ago)... sounds like something to try to make the police force look stupid, maybe? i.e., could be a precursor for another shooting? Or just something to recognize... Maybe they will find him quickly, and he'll be their man...

*sigh* ...Jesus Tapdanicing Christ...

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