Saturday, February 28, 2009

worry... and relief...

I worry a lot... far too much about things that are sometimes totally out of my hands. I know it's not good for me, and it will probably be my demise, not unlike my father... but it doesn't stop it from happening.

I'd been pretty worried about something the last couple of days... again, something that I can't really exert any control over without making something rather private known to someone that someone else would rather I not (ambiguous enough for ya? good). I figured that the "powers that be" were going to screw me... they've been doing a good job of it in a lot of ways, recently. However, they've been unusually kind to me in another way... probably without knowing... well, I think that there is a better-than-slight chance that they DO have a clue, at this point... and if they do know, and are showing this kindness to me with any kind of intention, that would make them super-extra cool... Super... Extra... Cool.

Tuesdays... are truly a beautiful thing, to me... and such a relief.

If next week, it would be Monday, or Thursday, or any other day, then so be it... as long as it is one... beautiful day.

Ambiguous enough for you?
Good. :D

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