Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain Snubs Letterman... Then Shows up on CBS News

Last night, Republican Presidential candidate John McCain canceled a planned interview with talk show host David Letterman... telling him in a phone call he was "suspending his Presidential campaign" in order to rush back to Washington to help save the U.S. from economic disaster...

I thought, "Hey, maybe McCain is finally starting to figure out something he needed to figure out a long time ago... that he needs to stop opening his mouth... just stop talking."

Then in the middle of the show, with guest Keith Olberman, he was informed that McCain had not, in fact, rushed back to Washington, but just headed down the street to the CBS News studio to be on the news with Katie Couric, instead... They even cut to him, live in the studio getting his makeup done just prior to his appearance with Couric.

It's probably okay to snub Letterman in a time of true economic crisis... but I don't think it's necessary to lie to him and say you are "rushing back" to Washington when you don't really have the intention of doing so (I'm sure he knew he was doing the news interview)...

Just goes to kind of reinforce my "McCain's boat has sprung a pretty big leak (besides Sarah Palin)" theory...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

So, we've been getting some flow from Hurricane Ike here, today... Apparently, some pretty powerful wind... I wouldn't know, I was sleeping. I've always had the knack to sleep through the most violent of storms and such... Maybe that's why I love them, so much... Anyhow, no rain or anything yet, but a big ol' bunch of wind... note:

Yeah... that's a swing set (and not some cheapo one, either... we're talking municipal mega-pipe one)... and that's a GIANT tree limb on top of it... At first, I was just checking for little kid feet and stuff... after I figured out it was all safe... it was kind of humorous... in its awe.