Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I've been seeing/reading all this crap about how all these parents are outraged at myspace for various reasons... well, it all started when a woman from my town went on a vendetta against the mayor... and found his daughter's myspace profile (why, or how, I'm not really sure)... and proceeded to use the daughter as some kind of pawn in her campaign to smear the mayor... which I found not only retarded and misguided but completely evil on the woman's behalf. Anyhow, it sparked a big debate on a local newsgroup. Many of the people on it immediately jumped on the "myspace is nothing but whores and serial killers" bandwagon... which really cracked me up... because they don't know what the hell they're talking about. Yes, there are whores on there... and I'm sure there's a serial killer and a pedophile or two, as well... but COME ON. Stuff like that is not limited to myspace, by far... It's probably more dangerous to go shopping at the mall than it would ever be to surf myspace. Cyberspace is what it is... you make the best out of it that you can... and if you can't, then maybe you just stick to watching tv.

This was going to be a lot longer... but, y'know... 'nuff said.

The woman eventually got banned from the newsgroup for being an out of line, nuisance douchebucket...

Friday, June 16, 2006

I'll have a little rant on myspace (pro, not con), coming up... probably Monday night... In the meantime... I turned 37 about a week ago... and other than my friends taking me out to dinner... it fucking licked ass...