Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Nothing says "I'm a douchebag" quite like this catchy little number, courtesy of Spinner Exhaust Tips

Coming to an asshole's car exhaust near you.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I've had this pic for a few weeks and I never thought to post it... I'm not really sure as to the authenticity of it (her face looks a little sketchy in relation to the head, although that could just be attributes to the whacked-out 'do she's sporting), but it's still pretty funny, nonetheless.

Possibly the best thing about it is the (black) kid in the (totally insane racist) Von Dutch t-shirt. I really never have understood that, beyond the fact that people will try to be trendy and cool withouth really knowing anything about what they're doing...

Ah, what am I saying? The best thing about the pic is Whitney's 'do... That kid better not let Bobby Brown see him with his mits on her like that, though.