Thursday, February 19, 2004

The Goth Creedo:

"All you have to do to be a non-conformist is dress exactly like us and listen to the same music we do..."


My boy, Butters: "I'd rather be a little crybaby pussy than a faggy goth."

Spoken like a man many years his senior... ;)
Can we PLEASE stop with the "fo' shizzle my nizzle dizzle" shit, already? It was tired about a year ago... and it's really stupid, at this point...
Okay... this weekend, it was about 10 degrees... Yesterday, it was 63... Today, it was 67... Tomorrow? Snow...

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

A couple weeks ago, there was a woman who was breast-feeding her child while in line at one of the Wal-Marts here in Fort Collins (for all you locals, the one off of Mulberry and Lemay). Apparently, she was asked to stop breast-feeding her child in public or leave the store... I'm not sure which she chose to do, but the next day, some thirty women showed up at the same store and proceeded to breast-feed their children (in public) in some kind of "boob out protest," or something... Isn't that just lovely? I am glad that I didn't go to Wal-Mart that day, because I would have probably made fun of a lot of ridiculously assinine women...
I saw on the news yesterday or the day before where the State Legislature is in the process of passing a law that would make it illegal to breast feed in public anywhere in the state... Thank Gawd-uh!
Having been a witness (or rather, a "victim") of this myself here, once (at a restaurant, of all places, with absolutely no effort to conceal it, or anything - totally disgusting - you should have seen the look on my girlfriend's face - priceless), I can only say that women really need to keep their boobs to themselves in public, please. Or if they think it's okay, then I think it should be okay for me to walk around with my ballsack hanging out of my fly... My "functional reasoning" would be in order to cool my testicles and keep my sperm count up... :)