Wednesday, May 21, 2003

"Numb is the word
when I get like this
Still out of touch
Still couldn't feel
a kiss

Bells going off
but I can't say why
Trapped in the house
with the walls and the roof
on fire

Flames rise higher...

Fever broke...
My fever broke
as you watched over me...
"(How many hours)
I hear you breathing
(How many days)
I smell your skin
(How many years)
I watch the ceiling
(How many times)
The fog comes rolling in

Time stood still -
nobody knew but me and you..."

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

"Today I am your chariot horse,
Tomorrow I'm your albatross
Suspended by the finest thread
no one could ever see...

...though I'm ashamed to be afraid
I just can't help myself
Can't help myself

If I was blind
Could you still be my eyes
or hide everything you see,
Pretending to care about me
when all the time
You're just wishing I'd fade away,
You can't bring yourself to say..."

Friday, May 16, 2003

"I can't get to sleep
I think about the implications
of diving in too deep
and possibly the complications

Especially at night
I worry over situations
that I know will be alright
It's just overkill

Day after day it reappears
Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away..."

I should probably talk to someone...

Friday, May 02, 2003


Was it just me, or did anyone else think that President G-Dub's carrier-landing thing was a bit... oh... I don't know... much? insane, even? Okay, it wasn't like he was delivering his speech from the middle of Baghdad, or anything, but still... that's not exactly the, y'know... safest thing in the world for a sitting President to do, eh?
Maybe it's just me...